Setelah aku menonton Hachiko : a Dog’s Story, diam-diam aku menyimpulkan satu hal.
Kalau ada makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang benar-benar adil, yang akan mencintai kita dengan cinta sebesar cinta kita padanya dan membenci kita dengan kebencian sebesar kita membencinya, maka makhluk itu adalah seekor anjing peliharaan. Atau dalam kasusku, kucing kesayangan.
Kalau kita mencintai peliharaan kita itu, ia akan balas mencintai kita. Tapi kalau kita tidak suka padanya, ia pun tidak akan mencintai kita. Ekspresi cinta atau bencinya ke kita adalah indikator kadar cinta kita sendiri.
Kalau manusia mencintai ibunya, ia tidak akan bisa mengetahui seberapa besar kadar cintanya. Karena cinta ibu itu beyond everything, walaupun kita pernah benci ibu tapi beliau tetap sayang kita. Cinta pada Tuhan juga. Tuhan Mencintai semua makhluk-Nya, bahkan yang tidak mengakui keberadaan-Nya sekalipun. Walaupun orang itu membenci Tuhan, Tuhan akan tetap Mencintainya. Buktinya Tuhan Mengizinkannya ada.
Cintanya binatang peliharaan beda. Aku sendiri, sejak dulu percaya kalau binatang peliharaan itu bisa merasakan cinta kita. Tanpa perlu repot-repot ngomong. Memang mereka tidak punya akal,tapi mereka punya naluri. Dan cinta itu sesuatu yang naluriah menurutku.
Aku pecinta kucing. Menurutku kucing itu binatang yang lucu tapi anggun. Nakal tapi beradab. Polos sekaligus pintar. Pokoknya mereka punya dua sisi kepribadian! Mereka tampak bagai bola bulu yang lucu (atau seperti guling berkaki) kalau berjalan. Tapi mereka berjalan dengan anggun seperti model pada peragaan adibusanana. Mereka juga bisa melompat dengan indah tanpa terpeleset. Mereka suka mencuri makanan, tapi mereka buang air besar dengan rapi. Muka mereka polos dan lucu, tapi kalau aku memandang sedalam mungkin ke dalam mata mereka, mereka tampak cerdas dan intriguing.
Dan memang kucing binatang yang cerdas. Mereka tampak angkuh dan sombong kalau berjalan, tetapi itu kan hanya disebabkan karena mereka memang selalu anggun dan yakin dalam melangkah.
Pokoknya, aku sangat suka kucing! Sebelum aku meninggalkan kampung halaman untuk kuliah di kota orang, setiap kucing yang sering datang di rumahku dan tidak takut padaku (kau tahu kan, ada kucing yang berani pada manusia dan ada yang sangat penakut), akan kujadikan kucingku. Ya, semudah itu. Kalau ia cukup sering datang dan merasa nyaman menghabiskan waktu duduk berdua denganku di dekat pintu samping rumah, maka dia jadi kucingku. Mereka semua menggemaskan, walaupun sering bertingkah nakal. Aku memberi makan mereka, kalau ibuku memasak sesuatu yang mereka sukai. Tapi aku selalu menahan keinginanku untuk membelai dan menggendong mereka, karena ibuku tidak mengizinkanku.
Kucing-kucingku itu, mereka datang dan pergi sesuka hati. Beberapa ada yang setia. Tapi tidak sedikit juga yang hanya beberapa hari jadi kucingku. Tapi mereka selalu datang satu persatu. Tidak pernah lebih dari satu kucing menjadi kucing teras rumahku, kecuali jika mereka anak dan ibu kucing. Aku pernah dengar kalau kucing memperebutkan daerah kekuasaan mereka dengan kucing lain. Mereka menandai batas daerahnya itu dengan cakaran dan air seninya. Semprotan air seni yang tinggi memberi peringatan pada kucing lain bahwa mereka tinggi, besar, dan kuat. Mungkin kucing yang menjadi kucing teras rumahku itu adalah kucing yang berhasil merebut wilayah teras rumahku dari kucing-kucing lain.
Lalu apa yang kulakukan kalau bersama kucingku? Setelah memberinya makanan, aku akan membiarkan dia melakukan apapun yang dia suka. Apapun boleh, kecuali buang air besar, membuat onar, dan meninggalkanku sendirian. Biasanya setelah diberi makan, kucing suka bermalas-malasan. Mereka akan berdandan, menyisir bulu-bulu dengan papilla yang ada di lidah mereka. Memang kucing adalah binatang yang anggun. Kalau sedang berdandan, mereka serius sekali dan susah dialihkan perhatiannya, kecuali dengan makanan. Puas berdandan, mereka akan tidur-tiduran. Keempat kaki ditekuk sedemikian rupa sehingga seperti postur mereka seperti mobil, lalu mata mereka akan terpejam-pejam lucu. Terkadang tidur mereka berlanjut. Aku akan mengamatinya. Senang saja melakukannya. Atau kalau kebetulan mereka menatap ke arahku, aku akan balas menatapnya. Berkilo-kilo dalamnya. Mereka nampak cerdas. Tapi mereka tidak pernah menang kalau adu tatap mata denganku. Mereka selalu berpaling lebih dahulu. Barangkali ada perbedaan anatomi kelopak mata kucing dan manusia sehingga mereka harus berkedip lebih sering daripada manusia. Setelah mengalihkan pandangan sejenak, mereka akan menatapku lagi. Lalu berpaling sebentar. Lalu menatap lagi. Begitu seterusnya. Biasanya aku akan mengajak mereka bercakap-cakap. Walaupun aku bermonolog karena bahasa kami berbeda. Aku akan meminta mereka jadi kucingku. Aku akan memperingatkan mereka agar tidak mencuri makanan.
Dimo, kucingku waktu aku SD dulu, setia sekali. Ia bisa merasakan perasaanku. Kalau aku sedih, dia akan terus menempel padaku, menemaniku. Demikian juga kalau aku takut pergi ke toilet sendirian, dia menemaniku. Dia cemburu saat aku terlihat lebih memperhatikan ayam jagonya ayahku daripada dia. Padahal dia tetap yang pertama. Dia menemani dan menghiburku dengan tingkah lakunya yang lucu saat aku sakit cacar air dan tidak boleh bersekolah.
Aku benar-benar menyayangi Dimo. Aku suka bersamanya. Dan aku yakin kalau dia juga sayang aku. Ikatan emosi yang ada benar-benar kuat. Menjelang ajalnya, aku ingat dia bermanja-manja padaku dan lebih intens mengikutiku. Saat itu, di pikiranku yang masih kelas 6 SD, terlintas pikiran bahwa Dimo akan mati suatu saat. Dimo kan sudah tua saat itu! Dia mulai jadi kucingku sejak aku kelas satu SD. Dimo juga bisa mati seperti nenekku. Seperti tetanggaku. Dia bisa mati. Memikirkan itu, aku jadi sedih. Dan lebih sedih lagi saat beberapa saat kemudian Dimo mulai menghilang. Dia tidak pernah ada menemaniku. Aku mencari-carinya, tapi dia tidak ada. Dia tidak pernah menungguku pulang sekolah. Dimo benar-benar menghilang.
Aku menanyai seluruh anggota keluargaku. Tapi mereka juga tidak melihat Dimo. Sampai ada yang menjawab bahwa mungkin Dimo telah mati. Mendengarnya aku menangis. Mungkin sekitar dua minggu baru aku bisa berhenti menangis diam-diam dan menerima bahwa Dimo sudah mati. Ternyata benar. Tetanggaku memberi tahuku bahwa ia menemukan Dimo telah mati di gerobak sapi bekas miliknya. Aku mendengarnya dan tahu kalau firasatku saat itu benar. Dimo sudah mati. Kucingku yang lucu. Yang tetap cantik dan rapi meskipun sudah menua. Seingatku Dimo masih rajin beranak; mungkin dia bahkan belum menopause. Entah kenapa Dimo mati. Tapi aku yakin ia tidak mati karena kekurangan makanan; aku tahu ia lihai menangkap tikus dan kalaupun tidak ada tikus yang bisa ditangkap, ia kan bisa meminta makanan padaku. Mungkin Dimo makan tikus yang sudah diracun, sehingga ia ikut keracunan. Mungkin Dimo digigit vampir. Aku tidak peduli. Yang jelas ia sudah tidak ada. Buat aku yang belum punya pengalaman traumatis ditinggal ‘seseorang’ atau sesuatu yang kusayangi, pengalaman ditinggalkan DImo sungguh menyakitkan. Berkali-kali aku mimpi bermain dengan Dimo. Ah, Dimo sudah tidak ada.
Menjelang kelas dua SMA, ada seekor kucing yang suka bermain di rumahku. Kali ini seekor kucing jantan. Corak bulunya yang rapi, belang-belang berkilau indah dan ekornya yang pendek mengingatkanku pada Dimo. Apakah dia anak dari Dimo yang pernah kupindahkan dari halaman depan rumah ke kandang kardus buatanku waktu aku kelas 5 SD dulu? Hanya Allah yang tahu. Tapi aku yakin begitu. Corak bulunya begitu mirip dengan anak kucing yang kupindah itu. Dia benar-benar mirip Dimo, tapi tubuhnya bongsor dan suaranya tidak merdu. Ia bahkan bisu, hanya bisa berkata “aa..aa”. Dulu kupanggil dia dengan sebutan “Kubis” alias Kucing Bisu. Tapi nama itu mengintimidasi, jadi aku menggantinya dengan nama Dudut. Nama lengkapnya Aa’ Dudut. Hahaha.
Aa Dudut lucu sekali. Badannya gemuk dan besar tapi ia lincah. Mungkin ia tidak gemuk, hanya berotot; dan aku tidak bisa membedakan lemak dan otot. Bulunya seperti Dimo, tapi tidak ada warna putih disitu; tubuhnya seluruhnya belang-belang dengan nuansa cokelat. Walaupun bongsor, tapi ekornya pendek sekali, lebih pendek dari dua ruas jariku. Dudut kucing yang pintar. Ia tidak suka masuk rumah, karena aku selalu melarangnya. Nenekku juga mengakui kalau Dudut kucing yang manis, karena tidak suka masuk rumah. Ia juga cukup selektif dalam memilih makanan; tidak seperti Dimo yang doyan kerupuk, sayur bayam, tempe, dan siomay (yang terakhir ini membuatnya muntah hebat; sepertinya Dimo alergi pati singkong).
Dudut hanya sebentar jadi kucingku. Ikatan emosi antara aku dan Dudut, kuakui belum sekuat aku dan Dimo. Ia terlalu cepat pergi. Menjelang kepergiannya, aku juga sudah punya firasat. Diluar kebiasaannya, ia jadi sering masuk rumah. Ia seolah-olah menarik perhatian orang-orang serumah. Ia juga sering mengikutiku dan melakukan hal-hal nakal, seperti berusaha mencuri makanan. Ah, saat itu juga aku berpikir ia akan segera pergi. Benar saja. Tak lama kemudian ia menghilang. Mungkin ia juga mati seperti Dimo. Tapi tidak ada seorangpun yang menemukannya. Saat itu aku baru kelas dua SMA, berarti belum ada satu tahun dia jadi kucingku. Tapi aku sudah mencintainya. Aku ingat, pada pagi hari tanggal 1 Januari 2007, aku dan adikku bermain-main dengannya di belakang rumah. Aku mengambil foto dan videonya.
Hmm, mengingat kedua kucingku itu aku jadi sedih. Ikatanku dengan mereka hampir sama seperti ikatan tuan Parker dan Hachi dalam film “Hachiko : A Dog’s Story”, tapi bedanya, kalau dalam film itu majikan yang mati meninggalkan peliharaannya; maka dalam kasusku peliharaannyalah yang meninggalkan majikannya. Aku merasa senasib dengan Hachiko, saat aku pulang dari sekolah dengan rasa tidak sabar ingin bertemu Dimo, tapi ternyata ia tidak ada di rumah. Dan ia tidak pernah ada lagi. Mungkin sama seperti Hachiko, pada hari pertama aku kehilangan Dimo aku belum sadar bahwa DImo sudah mati dan tidak akan bisa bermain denganku lagi. Dimo sudah pergi dengan tenang. Dan aku terus menunggunya. Aku bermimpi mengelus bulunya yang halus, mendengar suaranya yang merdu dan feminin. Aku begitu rindu pada Dimo. Dudut juga. Apakah kalian tahu bagaimana rasanya menanti pertemuan dengan mereka, tapi ternyata mereka tidak pernah datang lagi. Bukan karena mereka ingkar janji, bukan karena mereka membencimu; tapi karena mereka telah mati. Kalau mereka memang membenciku, aku yakin aku tidak akan merasa sedih karena aku tahu akan lebih baik kalau aku tidak usah bertemu dengan makhluk yang membenciku. Tapi masalahnya mereka tidak membenciku. Bahkan aku yakin mereka menyayangiku. Karena itu perpisahan itu sulit.
“In the matter of love, your pet is the one who will love you back in return” (Widyaninggar, 2010).
Kalau kita orang yang selalu mengharapkan balasan cinta dari obyek yang kita cintai,
Kalau kita orang yang beranggapan bahwa cinta itu harus memiliki dan dimiliki,
Kalau kita tidak ingin merasa berdosa karena tidak bisa membalas cinta yang diberikan kepada kita, sebesar kita dicintai olehnya,
Maka binatang peliharaan adalah obyek yang tepat untuk kita cintai!
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I’m here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing’s quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
So you stole my world
Now I’m just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
And it may take some time to patch me up inside
But I can’t take it so I run away and hide
And I may find in time that you were always right
You’re always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I’m here to stay
Love can be so boring
What was it you wanted
Could it be I’m haunted
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever…
Song Credit
Composer : Vertical Horizon
Lyrics : Vertical Horizon
All rights reserved
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I’m here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing’s quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
So you stole my world
Now I’m just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
And it may take some time to patch me up inside
But I can’t take it so I run away and hide
And I may find in time that you were always right
You’re always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I’m here to stay
Love can be so boring
What was it you wanted
Could it be I’m haunted
But it’s not so bad
You’re just the best I ever had
You don’t want me back
You’re just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever…
Song Credit
Composer : Vertical Horizon
Lyrics : Vertical Horizon
All rights reserved
Hey you Twilight Saga fans out there, have you read “Midnight Sun” yet? Maybe you ask me “Midnight Sun won’t be released because its unfinished draft has illegally spread on internet, will it?” Yes guys it does. But Stephanie Meyer has legally let us read the partial draft of Midnight Sun! You can download the PDF file from and/or read it for free!
Okay. What’s so great about this novel then? (I don’t know if ‘novel’ is a right word, maybe ‘draft’ suits better). All right. This draft tells us the same story in “Twilight”, but from Edward’s point of view. As we know, Twilight telling stories from Bella’s perspective.
In the first page, Edward tells us how it felt to be a vampire with a special talent (reading other people’s mind). He thought it was so boring to be ‘trapped’ in high school, acted like he was a human. He thought it’s so boring to read human’s mind, which focused on the new girl in his school that day. He felt uneasy too, reading his sibling’s mind, who were falling in love deeply and left him the only one alone. He felt sort of dislike and concern hearing Jasper’s, his brother’s mind, who was craving for human’s blood. He considered himself and Alice (her sister who has a special talent too, seeing future) as ‘both freaks among those who were already freaks’.
Then he saw Bella, the new girl in school. He wondered why he can’t read Bella’s mind. At biology class, he found that Bella’s blood scent was so tempting that the temptation was agonizing. He planned many ways to drink her blood, when his soberness came to and left Bella safe at last. To keep himself from killing Bella, he decided to go to Denali. Got his faith regained, he decided to go back to Forks and convinced himself that he would not kill Bella and disobey his family’s etiquette: Doesn’t kill humans for their blood.
He tried his best in the next biology class not to breath (it’s not a hard thing for a vampire to do), so he wouldn’t smell Bella’s scent. He still couldn’t read Bella’s mind, so he talked to her and questioning many things about her. He found Bella’s answer was interesting and unpredictable. But he was still cautious of her safety. He started to observe Bella’s behavior, trying to guess what was in her mind and what her reason was so she did that.
One day, Bella almost got killed by a car slipped on parking lot. Edward saved her life by catching her and pushed the car away from her. Bella, who’s seeing him across her before, asked Edward how he came to her that fast. Edward worried that his rescue would reveal his and his family’s true identity as a vampire. So he answered Bella’s question ruefully and Bella got angry to him. She said that Edward was regretting to save her. Edward got angry back to her, because he thought that his rescue was the only behavior towards Bella that was acceptable.
Conversely, Alice seeing in Edward’s future that he would be falling in love with Bella. Surely, Edward denied it and said that she would be wrong. In the next biology lesson, Bella’s friend, Mike, who looked interested to Bella since the first time, asked Bella to be his companion in school dance. Bella didn’t say yes. Edward thought that someday Bella would say yes to somebody and live her life like a normal person: school, college, marriage, and children. In that day, he talked to Bella again. And Alice’s prediction was right.
He was falling in love. Stephenie Meyer writes Edward’s emotion beautifully. It’s told that Edward went to Bella’s room every night, watching her sleeping. He “could not understand why I had not found her beautiful immediately”. She took his breath away. And he found that Bella talked in her sleep and sighed his name, begged him not to go from her. Stephenie wrote: “I struggled to find words to name the feelings that flooded through me, but I had no words strong enough to hold them. For a long moment, I drowned in them. When I surfaced, I was not the same man I had been. My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be a midnight for me. So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?”
Ah, how beautiful. So, according to Edward, Bella was his sun. Sun that was raising in his midnight, light his dark and unchanging life. Stephenie’s Edward was so romantic. But then he thought whether he was worth for Bella or not. Because he considered himself as a monster and Bella deserved better. Not him. Not Mike Newton and Bella’s other boy fans.
Then he started to court her. He wondered if Bella had the same feeling like him or not. Bella’s heart rate always increased when she was with him, but he thought that other emotions, like scared, could produce the same effect. Bella seemed dazzled, and he was dazzled too. At last Bella knew Edward’s true identity; she knew that Edward was a vampire. But she wasn’t afraid. This made Edward worried about her safety. Because he knew that Bella’s scent was a great temptation for him. But Bella wasn’t scared. They were dating.
Okay…the draft consists of 264 pages, 12 chapters. The last chapter is “Complicated” (the chapter’s title is the same like Twilight). It is a partial draft after all, and it got me curious. Ah! It’s unfinished. I want to know more about Edward’s thoughts. His thought is interesting, unpredictable, and sometimes, naïve. Edward, unpredictably, felt insecure toward himself. He thought he wasn’t good enough for Bella, because he wasn’t a human. And he envied Carlisle (his father, a doctor) who could examine Bella after the almost-accident without any fear that he would kill her. Edward felt uneasy too, to read other’s mind. Because he thought that read other’s minds meant doesn’t give them privacy. But helplessly, he couldn’t help it. Interesting. I thought he was always sure of himself and, I would like to be able to read other’s mind. Hahaha.
For you Twilight saga lovers, especially Edward’s fans, I strongly recommend you to read this. Go, baby! Download it fast. This draft is too great to be missed. Cheers!
Hey you Twilight Saga fans out there, have you read “Midnight Sun” yet? Maybe you ask me “Midnight Sun won’t be released because its unfinished draft has illegally spread on internet, will it?” Yes guys it does. But Stephanie Meyer has legally let us read the partial draft of Midnight Sun! You can download the PDF file from and/or read it for free!
Okay. What’s so great about this novel then? (I don’t know if ‘novel’ is a right word, maybe ‘draft’ suits better). All right. This draft tells us the same story in “Twilight”, but from Edward’s point of view. As we know, Twilight telling stories from Bella’s perspective.
In the first page, Edward tells us how it felt to be a vampire with a special talent (reading other people’s mind). He thought it was so boring to be ‘trapped’ in high school, acted like he was a human. He thought it’s so boring to read human’s mind, which focused on the new girl in his school that day. He felt uneasy too, reading his sibling’s mind, who were falling in love deeply and left him the only one alone. He felt sort of dislike and concern hearing Jasper’s, his brother’s mind, who was craving for human’s blood. He considered himself and Alice (her sister who has a special talent too, seeing future) as ‘both freaks among those who were already freaks’.
Then he saw Bella, the new girl in school. He wondered why he can’t read Bella’s mind. At biology class, he found that Bella’s blood scent was so tempting that the temptation was agonizing. He planned many ways to drink her blood, when his soberness came to and left Bella safe at last. To keep himself from killing Bella, he decided to go to Denali. Got his faith regained, he decided to go back to Forks and convinced himself that he would not kill Bella and disobey his family’s etiquette: Doesn’t kill humans for their blood.
He tried his best in the next biology class not to breath (it’s not a hard thing for a vampire to do), so he wouldn’t smell Bella’s scent. He still couldn’t read Bella’s mind, so he talked to her and questioning many things about her. He found Bella’s answer was interesting and unpredictable. But he was still cautious of her safety. He started to observe Bella’s behavior, trying to guess what was in her mind and what her reason was so she did that.
One day, Bella almost got killed by a car slipped on parking lot. Edward saved her life by catching her and pushed the car away from her. Bella, who’s seeing him across her before, asked Edward how he came to her that fast. Edward worried that his rescue would reveal his and his family’s true identity as a vampire. So he answered Bella’s question ruefully and Bella got angry to him. She said that Edward was regretting to save her. Edward got angry back to her, because he thought that his rescue was the only behavior towards Bella that was acceptable.
Conversely, Alice seeing in Edward’s future that he would be falling in love with Bella. Surely, Edward denied it and said that she would be wrong. In the next biology lesson, Bella’s friend, Mike, who looked interested to Bella since the first time, asked Bella to be his companion in school dance. Bella didn’t say yes. Edward thought that someday Bella would say yes to somebody and live her life like a normal person: school, college, marriage, and children. In that day, he talked to Bella again. And Alice’s prediction was right.
He was falling in love. Stephenie Meyer writes Edward’s emotion beautifully. It’s told that Edward went to Bella’s room every night, watching her sleeping. He “could not understand why I had not found her beautiful immediately”. She took his breath away. And he found that Bella talked in her sleep and sighed his name, begged him not to go from her. Stephenie wrote: “I struggled to find words to name the feelings that flooded through me, but I had no words strong enough to hold them. For a long moment, I drowned in them. When I surfaced, I was not the same man I had been. My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be a midnight for me. So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?”
Ah, how beautiful. So, according to Edward, Bella was his sun. Sun that was raising in his midnight, light his dark and unchanging life. Stephenie’s Edward was so romantic. But then he thought whether he was worth for Bella or not. Because he considered himself as a monster and Bella deserved better. Not him. Not Mike Newton and Bella’s other boy fans.
Then he started to court her. He wondered if Bella had the same feeling like him or not. Bella’s heart rate always increased when she was with him, but he thought that other emotions, like scared, could produce the same effect. Bella seemed dazzled, and he was dazzled too. At last Bella knew Edward’s true identity; she knew that Edward was a vampire. But she wasn’t afraid. This made Edward worried about her safety. Because he knew that Bella’s scent was a great temptation for him. But Bella wasn’t scared. They were dating.
Okay…the draft consists of 264 pages, 12 chapters. The last chapter is “Complicated” (the chapter’s title is the same like Twilight). It is a partial draft after all, and it got me curious. Ah! It’s unfinished. I want to know more about Edward’s thoughts. His thought is interesting, unpredictable, and sometimes, naïve. Edward, unpredictably, felt insecure toward himself. He thought he wasn’t good enough for Bella, because he wasn’t a human. And he envied Carlisle (his father, a doctor) who could examine Bella after the almost-accident without any fear that he would kill her. Edward felt uneasy too, to read other’s mind. Because he thought that read other’s minds meant doesn’t give them privacy. But helplessly, he couldn’t help it. Interesting. I thought he was always sure of himself and, I would like to be able to read other’s mind. Hahaha.
For you Twilight saga lovers, especially Edward’s fans, I strongly recommend you to read this. Go, baby! Download it fast. This draft is too great to be missed. Cheers!
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