
Mike Tompkins!!!! (Youtube Idol #1)

Have you ever heard of Mike Tompkins? Well maybe you haven't heard his name before like i was a week ago. All right, he is a musician and a music producer. I even forget how i could find his youtube account. Come visit his page in http://www.youtube.com/user/pbpproductions.

I'm 99% sure you will fall in love in the first sight and in the first sound. If not, then i will give you a hint: he made all of his music in those video just by mouth and voice a.k.a a Capella. Yes, all you hear in those musics are from his mouth! Doesn't that great? The bass beat, the guitar, cymbals, snare, even the synthesizer sound! His fans called him "a living beatbox". I think he's awesome!!!

In video above you can see that he made every instrument sound only by mouth, cool! I had never heard this song (Only Girl by Rihanna) before, but i instantly love this song. Wondered, i searched the lyrics and after listening again i realized that he changed some words in the lyrics, but i like his version more than the original one. His version is more appropriate and polite. And it's sweeter than the original lyrics, kind of telling us about a cute and pure love. Here is the reffrain of his cover version:

I wanna make you feel
Like you're the only girl in the world
Like you're the only one that i'll ever love
Like you're the only one who knows my heart
ah, the only girl in the world!
Like you're the only one that's in command *not really sure what this line means*
Cause you're the only one who understands
How to make me feel like a man

Awww, will it be so sweet to have someone singing that song to you :p
I read a blog post about him and somebody said that Mike Tompkins "make you feel like a sh*t". The writer then explained that Mike makes him felt like a sh*t in a good way (you will feel talentless compared to Mike Tompkins). Yeah, he is very talented. How can he make all those sound???? He has a very broad tone spectrum. He even imitated the synthesizer sound and everything. I tried to do beatboxing once (like he did imitate the synthesizer sound in "Only Girl" video) and i failed because i ran out of breath. Oh, and i run out of words to write....THIS IS TALENT!

Another blog post about him i read is: "(he is) nice in the eyes and ears". Haha, okay, maybe he is a cutie. I don't know, I am not a kind of fan who screams "OWW he is sooo hot and handsome!". I think his face is kind of comedic (somebody jokingly called him "Mr. Bean's son", whatever). Well, okay he's kind of looking good  and soooo talented!!!

He is a diploma in music with distinction, nice to his fans, wears purity ring (don't know is it true or not), and he is a Canadian (so he's the second Canadian i have a crush on after Cory Monteith :p). I don't know...i used to think it's kind of lame to be a hardcore fan of an artist like my friends do to Korean actors...but i don't know, right now i'm just mesmerized!

He's awesome, why?
It's not his good looks, it's not his awesome talents, it's not his great voice, it's not his nice attitude, it's not the fact that he made the original version of those songs sound plain...
It's a combination of all above <3

He is married everybody!!! This fact explains his ring. Well that's okay (but why do i hear something is tearing here, LOL). Awesome, just awesome, a man who is married before 23. So, Mrs. Kayla Tompkins is married to a very talented, musical, and awesome man. What a lucky woman! Now i know for whom Mike Tompkins singing "The Only Girl" for. They have been together since kissing on stage in their high-school drama class. And i hear in one of those interviews, he changed some of song's lyrics, because someday when he and his wife have children, he doesn't want his children to hear their father "hooked up with random girls". Great! So that's why his cover versions is "cleaner" or more appropriate than the originals. Knowing the fact that he's married just make me respect and salute  him more. So...congratulations! Kind of jealous, but well, i think this is sweet :')

Btw is it just me or is it true that the way he says or sings words end with "th" is kind of unique? When he says "with", "mouth", "earth, "worth"....with a very bold and clear "TH" (wytTHH, mouwTH, earTH, wourtTHH). I don't know, it's kind of amusing to hear ;p


Aku bukan seorang movie person. Jujur aja ada beberapa film "favorit orang-orang sejagat" yang enggak bisa kunikmati. Nggak tahu kenapa, kurang suka saja. Mungkin benar kalau seleraku agak aneh. Sering aku menonton suatu film hanya karena ingin tahu ceritanya seperti apa, kok sepertinya ramai sekali dibicarakan. Alasan ke bioskop? Dolan bersama teman-teman. Itu saja. Ya, kalau film-nya bagus, anggap saja bonus.

Memang sih ada beberapa film yang bagus menurutku..tapi daripada menonton film, aku lebih suka mendengarkan musik! Aku mendengarkan banyak sekali musik. 4,53++ gigabytes file musik milikku menjelaskan semuanya. Avenged Sevenfold sampai soundtracks-nya High School Musical; dari Westlife sampai Didi Kempot (keroncong Jawa yang menurutku liriknya romantis abis, tentu saja romantis ala Jawa, LOL). Dari Maliq and the Essentials sampai Katy Perry; dari Avril Lavigne sampai Vina Panduwinata. Enggak terlalu pilih-pilih sih, selama vokalnya enggak hancur, asalkan aku bisa mengerti liriknya dan suka musiknya, ayo aja.

Musik seperti penyeimbang di dalam hidup, biar enggak serius melulu. Oh iya, mungkin karena itu aku kurang bisa menikmati musik klasik dan musik yang enggak ada vokalnya, hehe...karena kurang menghibur menurutku. Aku suka musik yang bikin semangat, tapi ada kalanya musik-musik 'galau' pun diperlukan untuk bergalau-galau ria, hehe. Selalu ada musik yang tepat untuk setiap momen dalam hidup!

Mendengar musik enggak bikin masalah kita menghilang sih, tapi paling enggak membuat life more bearable and problem less annoying, seolah-olah punya kekuatan lagi untuk melanjutkan hidup (apaan sih...). Ya, musik membuat kita melupakan sejenak masalah kita, sehingga otak kita beristirahat sejenak. Setelah beristirahat, pikiran pun menjadi lebih segar.

Oh iya, aku enggak tahu suaraku bagus atau enggak (kayaknya sih enggak fals, hehe), tapi aku suka nyanyi! Walaupun kalau ada orang, aku jadi malu kalau mau nyanyi :-| Mending sekalian aja di hadapan khalayak umum, pakai kostum dan microphone sekalian, kayak pas ikut lomba nasyid atau lomba vocal group,  malah keluar deh sifat muka tembokku dan suara bisa lepas, hehe...kalau di hadapan sedikit orang malah malu. Tapi menyanyi memang sangat membebaskan...menumpahkan emosi. Kalau curhat bikin capek, karena setelah seharian beraktivitas maka kuota kata-kata yang kumiliki untuk dibicarakan tiap hari (yang jumlahnya notabene tidak terlalu banyak) sudah habis. Jadi setelah hari yang melelahkan, mending nyantai sendirian di kamar, dengerin musik dan nyanyi-nyanyi sampai puas. Tahu-tahu sudah biasa lagi, hilang betenya.

If there's music in the night, and it's really-really right,
It's the only thing i need
It intoxicates your mind, all your troubles left behind
So come on and take my lead,
It's not just me who feel it, music plays a mind trick (Cullum, 2005)