
Floral Printed Outfit

If you are happen to see me wearing printed outfit (baju bermotif, Ind.), then you most likely will see me wearing floral-printed outfit. Yes, I like floral-print very much! Today I looked at my wardrobe and realized that there are many floral-printed outfits there. Blouses (mostly), long skirts, long dress…

Even my under-jilbabs (dalaman jilbab-Ind.), are floral printed!

Before they being a fashion trends few months ago, I already had some. Few months ago I liked to go to fashion stores or department stores and let my eyes wandering, enjoyed the panorama of floral-printed outfits displayed there. They are so fresh in my eyes, just like being in a flowery garden, haha. Such a shame that now they (fashion stores) are not selling floral-printed outfit as many anymore. Now they are selling many checkers-printed outfits. I don’t really like it. I like floral printed outfits so much better.

I think they are feminine and give you (me?) fresh and fun impression. Well that’s my opinion. Besides, I think they are suitable for any occasion too! You can wear it to go to campus, to hang with your friends, even to attend party. I think they are super cool for garden party/semi formal party held in afternoon, but if your floral-printed dress is dark colored with a hint of glamorous classic prints, they will be great for night occasion too. Just make sure that you don’t be too much. Wear an outfit with floral printed and combine them with an unpatterned outfit and shoes to match. Don’t wear too much accessories and make up!

Haha, people call me feminine. I think I am…if it refers to my looks. I am the girl who wears feminine clothes, cream-colored girly shoes, classic silver-colored wristwatch and pin…who applies subtle lip gloss, then crosses her legs like a girl. But being feminine will make you look like a dumb if you’re not smart and tough enough. I think it’s kinda cool to wear your feminine, classic outfits while doing very physical and/or brainy tasks. I think we, me and feminine-looking girls out there should face a problem like a man :)

And I think I should always have a tough and competitive nature to balance my classic, feminine looks :p

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