

Walaupun aku pendiem, tapi masih ada orang-orang yang mau mengajakku ngobrol dan "try to open me up".
Walaupun kadang aku nyebelin, tapi masih ada orang-orang yang mau menolong aku, dan enggak membiarkan aku kesulitan sendirian.
Walaupun menurutku aku membosankan, tapi masih ada orang-orang yang mau jadi sahabatku, yang sms dan menemui aku hanya untuk bercerita. Yang menanyakan kalau aku enggak ada. Yang menghiburku dengan tingkah mereka yang aneh-aneh (LOL). Masih ada yang mau ngajak aku hang out dan dolan bareng.
Walaupun aku kadang sembrono, masih ada yang percaya sama aku (semoga aku bisa dipercaya dan diandalkan)
Walaupun aku sok tahu, masih ada yang mau mengingatkanku kalau aku bertindak sembarangan.
Walaupun aku biasa aja tapi masih ada yang mau membuatku bersyukur dan memperlakukanku dengan baik dan menghormatiku.

Mungkin aku tidak punya 4000 teman, tapi aku bersyukur karena aku mengenal beberapa orang yang benar-benar mengenalku, bisa aku andalkan, dan yang lebih penting, mau nerima aku apa adanya. Termasuk di dalamnya yaitu menerima sifat-sifatku dan membuatku jadi orang yang sedikit lebih cerewet ketika ngumpul dengan mereka :P

Jadi inilah hidupku :)
Kalaupun aku sedih, kalaupun aku galau (tren 2011) kalaupun aku bingung, aku bersyukur karena di setiap momen tidak menyenangkan dari hidup, aku tahu aku harus cerita ke siapa...jadi disyukuri saja.


Random Chat with A Stranger

Hari ini, hari terakhir UTS (untuk pekan ini). Aku senang sekali jujur saja. Setelah UTS, ada rapat...well bukan rapat yang menegangkan sih, malah cenderung melegakan karena di rapat itu kami (aku dan rekan-rekanku di Piogama) saling menuangkan unek-unek. Mengkritik dan dikritik, rasanya adil dan menyenangkan sekali. Setelah rapat, aku merawat diri sejenak alias melakukan tindakan pembasmian komedo-komedo di wajah yang makin rajin bersemi ketika ujian dan stress melanda (ahhh, mungkin menurutmu ini nggak penting ya ^^).

Malamnya setelah makan aku online di facebook sembari sms-an bersama teman-teman. Well sebenarnya aku bukan jenis wanita konvensional yang bisa mempartisi pikirannya ke beberapa hal sekaligus sih, jadi mungkin aku sering telat balas sms atau telat ngomen di FB, haha. Tapi menyenangkan sekali bersosialisasi dengan banyak orang. Ya, menyenangkan sekali dan sebenarnya aku suka. Walaupun tanpa bertemu langsung dengan orangnya. Wah aku cinta teknologi deh saat ini.

Singkat cerita aku membuat sebuah status di facebook dan salah satu teman sekelasku memberi komentar. Ya, biasa deh....tapi dia kemudian menceritakan pengalamannya chatting dengan orang yang tidak dikenal di omegle.com. wah, aku jadi penasaran. Aku pun masuk ke situs itu. Dan ternyata benar, kita langsung mendapat salah satu stranger untuk ngobrol. Saran temanku itu, jangan klik yang video chat, tapi text chat aja. Haha, i see, i see...klo di video chat ntar malah ngelihat yang aneh-aneh katanya :0

Orang yang chatting pertama denganku sepertinya agak "ora nggenah". Langsung minta web chat. Firasatku udah enggak enak aja. Aku langsung disconnect. Setelah beberapa kali bercakap-cakap dengan beberapa orang dan berujung zzzzzzzz (alias percakapannya nggak asyik dan sama-sama diem-dieman), aku bercakap-cakap dengan seseorang dari Texas. Agak beda dari yang lain nih, dia enggak nanyain ASL (age, sex, location-red). Sepertinya dia memang berniat mencari seorang stranger yang enggak dikenal. Orang nyapanya aja "hey strangers". Dan yang nggak kuduga-duga sama sekali, dia jenius. Membicarakan hal-hal yang nerdy. Tapi aku malah suka, karena aku tahu harus balas gimana. Jadi percakapannya mengalir, enggak zzzz (alias sama-sama males melanjutkan obrolan). Ini dia transkrip otentik percakapanku sama dia yang entah gimana orangnya, cewek atau cowok, tua atau muda, cakep atau enggak, yang jelas orangnya baik kok (kayaknya). Sampe-sampe mendoakan "have a good life stranger". Dan jangan khawatir nanti aku jadi korban penculikan lewat internet, karena nggak akan ada lagi kontak dengan dia. Dia enggak punya facebook, jadi nggak bakal ada kontak lebih lanjut setelah ini, kecuali Allah berkehendak lain. Tapi peluangnya tipiss banget deh. Ini nih:

Aku sebagai "you". Orang yang chatting itu sebagai "stranger". Nohh, ini dia percakapan kami...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hello stranger.
You: hello too, how's life?
Stranger: Meh, it goes on.
Stranger: How's it goin' on your end?
You: is it fine? well, im fine
Stranger: So where ya from?
You: indonesia, you?
Stranger: Texas.
You: hello Texas
Stranger: Hmmm, so, what do you do?
You: i have nothing to do tonight, so i get on omegle. you?
Stranger: I got bored and lonely, so I got on omegle.
You: so what u usually do?
Stranger: Lately I've been obsessively studying, thinking, and designing.
You: that's great ^^ btw, designing what?
Stranger: My goal are systems for the self-sustaining generation of power and food, at least enough for me.
Stranger: It's coming along nicely, but my brain got tired, so I took a break.
You: wow :) what's your ideas?
Stranger: I'm thinking parabolic mirror arrays to concentrate enough sunlight to boil water to power turbines, some windmills, lots of batteries, and various aquaponic systems for growing fish and plants.
You: texas get many sunlight, right?
Stranger: The cost of microcontroller boards has come down a lot in the last few years, so automation of the whole system shouldn't be a problem.
Stranger: Oh yea, lots of sunlight.
Stranger: about 5kW per m2 per day, give or take.
You: ok, honestly it took me minutes to understand your words but im trying :)
Stranger: Oh, no big deal. Language barrier and all.
You: yeah you're right. you know, indonesia gets a LOT of sunlight and we haven't had enough solar cell...what a shame -.-
Stranger: BIG solar units are really not that hard to build.
Stranger: Lots of little mirrors arranged in a sattelite dish sort of shape.
You: you know, people here are thinking to buil a nuclear power plant. what do you think? indonesian people are still have "phobia" about nuclear
Stranger: Well, as long as it doesn't fuck up and irradiate the whole area, it'll make lots of power...
You: yeah, i think we have enough engineer to control it. But i still think solar cell is the most suitable for indonesian energy proble
You: problem i meant
Stranger: Solar seems like a good idea to me.
Stranger: Less safety hazards, less maintanence.
You: yes, less safety hazards! btw are you designing this for your thesis or something?
Stranger: Nah, I'm not in school. This is all so I can live as a free man, producing everything I need.
Stranger: free power from the sun + electric car....
Stranger: I could never pay anything to run a vehicle.:P
You: wow that's different. so you have vehicle with a solar cell or?
Stranger: Nah, I don't have an electric vehicle yet.
You: so, bicycles?
Stranger: But my plan is to have one, and have a large stationary solar array as a charging station.
Stranger: Righ now I've got bicycles, and a couple gas cars.
You: your vehicle must be able to save enough amount of energy then, or you're going somewhere, suddenly it's running out of energy and somehow the weather is cloudy...LOL, just possibility
Stranger: Yea, totally. It will have limited range. and sometimes there won't be sunlight.
Stranger: My backup plan is a marine diesel engine/generator running on vegatable oil.
Stranger: I'm confident that I could put together a consistent system for power production.
You: just want to ask....according to your knowledge, how many energy can be kept on a solar car? how many miles?
Stranger: Well, my design is just an electric car with batteries like any other, so it depends on the batteries.
Stranger: Cheap shitty batteries, maybe 50 mile range. Awesome batteries, 100-200 give or take.
You: enough for a city car? vegetable oil...hmmm, IMHO it's not as great as solar cell...think about how many crops we need to run our car
Stranger: Like I said, that's just a backup for when it's cloudy and whatnot.
Stranger: Here in america, there's LOTS of fast food places that pay to have their used oil hauled off.
You: oh i see. so you use used oil, not a new one
Stranger: Americans are fat and love greasy food. There's LOADS of used oil here.:P
Stranger: Yea.
You: at least you can use the used oil...
Stranger: Yea, once used oil is filtered, it will run a diesel engine just fine.
Stranger: Well, if it's really cold, you need fuel heaters, but other than that no problem.
You: will it leave any residues to your engine?
Stranger: I'm not sure yet, I haven't taken apart an engine run on oil yet...
Stranger: If it does, there are cheap solvents for all different parts of engines.
You: hmmm, diesel engine is very popular here. but we use fresh gasoline -.- solvents? for cleaning the engine u mean?
Stranger: Yea.
Stranger: All kinds of stuff leaves residue.
You: so, if i use used oil for my diesel engine, i have to take more care to my engine?
Stranger: Not that I know of.
Stranger: It should be about the same, but I guess each engine is different. I couldn't say for EVERY single engine out there.
You: okay...btw from where do you get these knowledges? you know many things about energy
Stranger: Most human knowledge is easy to get these days. There internet has a high volume of data, but lots of worthless junk. libraries have less junk, and better data, but less sheer volume.
Stranger: Thinking is also important.
You: wow, you're very dedicated!
Stranger: I guess you could say I believe in my cause.
You: yeah. you said that you want to be able to live as a free man...do you mean you want to be independent in everything? like, not depend on authorities for energy, or something
Stranger: Yea.
Stranger: I want my own generators.
You: can i know your motivation?
Stranger: I don't think I've ever tried to put it into words before now... I guess I'd say this: Most people, here at least, are slaves to "the system" "the establishment" or whatever. They have no scientific knowledge, and are therefore dependent on those who have exploited that for profit. I don't want to play that game.
Stranger: Scientific knowledge is free for all of mankind, and it can be used to create a better way of life.
You: so you "say no for being slaves" and prefer to take a benefit from science?
Stranger: Pretty much.
Stranger: I'd rather do whatever I want with my hard earned money, and not buy simple things like power and food.
Stranger: Things that should, and can be free for everyone.
You: btw your food, are you grow them yourself?
Stranger: I don't have much crop production this season, as I decided not to grow anything in the conventional way.
You: so you grow them unconventionally? how?
Stranger: I haven't begun the unconventional growing yet. I'm waiting on some overdue money I'm owed. The plan is to have hydroponic grow beds situated over large fish tanks. The fish waste is pumped up to feed the plants, the plants and growing medium clean the water.
Stranger: Tilapia fish can grow in very crowded conditions.
You: tilapia? a kind of catfish?
Stranger: Yea, it's some kind of fish.
You: wow, it's great talking to you...but it's 11.03 pm here, i have to go sleep :) btw do you have a facebook account? i would like to see your project improvements :)
Stranger: Sorry, I don't have any facebook or anything like that.
You: ok, i see ^^ thanks for talking. and i'm sorry, not talking fluently in english :P
Stranger: Don't worry, your english is better than a lot of americans I know.
You: really? don't be kidding, haha. ok, bye
Stranger: Have a good life stranger. :)
You: you too ^

Hahaha...kayaknya aku tulalit banget ya, balesnya lamaaa banget dan cuma dikit lagi (soalnya bengong dulu kelamaan). Lha dia juga ngomongnya jenius banget, kan kadang aku nggak begitu ngerti, hehe. Sayang dia enggak punya facebook jadi nggak bisa ngobrol lagi sama dia.Padahal dia udah mau memaklumiku yang telmi alias telat mikir "oh, no big deal, language barrier and all" katanya. Kan lumayan bisa kursus conversation gratis sama native speaker, haha.

It felt so good to have a 4-page conversation with a random stranger. So, please get on omegle to improve your English and have some fun! But pleaseee be careful and disconnect immediately when you don't think the stranger on the other line is a good person and has a bad intention. Haha, omegle, new way to kill time.