
Perasaan adalah Perasaan

Perasaan adalah perasaan. Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan (Tere Liye, 2013).
So, I was not blaming myself, when I was running my fingers through my hair this afternoon. Just like I was about a year ago. My hair was not as smooth as it was when I was in high school. But it still is. You were right. I touch my hair, and yes. It is smooth. And I cut it short.

Perasaan adalah perasaan. Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan (Tere Liye, 2013).
I can now accept the fact that no matter how tiring my day is, sometimes I still feel kind of empty. No matter how many things I've been thinking of, my brain will never be too busy to try comprehending this perasaan. Sometimes I check my phone without even thinking. Then I put it down again. Unconsciously, because it was my routine. Everything was not the same, so I wonder why it is still be my routine. 

Perasaan adalah perasaan. Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan (Tere Liye, 2013).
People younger than me are telling me stories about their life. It hurts, not because I want to be young again like them. It hurts because I want to go back. For once, I want to be in the same life phase like they are going through right now. The most energetic times of my life, the best feeling in the world.. Times when I found out that human can experience that level of happiness. 

Perasaan adalah perasaan. Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan (Tere Liye, 2013).
I think I can take it all, the good and the bad, forever. But maybe I am wrong, so God Shift the way. Or so I thought. Maybe I was, and I am guilty for not trying hard. But I just can't. And I am sorry. I will not ask God for another chance anymore, because how many times He Gave me, and I messed it?

Perasaan adalah perasaan. Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan (Tere Liye, 2013).
So I think it is okay to write about this. Maybe, letting out the feelings, instead of suppress it, will make it better, for real. Not just better for some occasions and make it worse at another, so...

Perasaan adalah perasaan
Hidup bersamanya bukan kemalangan
Hei, bukankah dia memberikan kesadaran betapa indahnya dunia ini?
Hanya orang-orang terbaiklah yang akan menerima kabar baik
Hanya orang-orang bersabarlah yang akan menerima hadiah indah
(Tere Liye, 2013).

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